Monday, January 21, 2013

被考验的信心 (BY 卢子键)














还记得,当年申请大学时,我把所有的寄托都放在UPU(除了USM 之外的政府大学)。我UPU真的是非常小心的申请,每一个选择都是深思熟虑过后才填的。而USM ,我又是怎样申请的呢?我一通电话,讲几句,就交给我姐姐帮我申请。 USM 的申请表格,我都没看过,我除了知道我姐帮我First Choice 填写 Pharmacy 外,别的我都不知道我姐姐帮我填什么科系了。我这样做是因为我觉得我没有能力,没有资格,不可能进一间全马最好的大学。

可是,神的作为真的是非常奇妙,一切都是出乎我的预料,神给我的永比我所求所想的更好。当初,申请大学后的日子,我很常都会做这样的祷告,“上帝啊,若你觉得我没有能力读药剂系,请你给我教育系,我会顺服你的旨意。若你觉得药剂系是我能够面对的,那你才给我。”当时,我的目标还是UPU,UPU 那里我把药剂系放第一个选择,教育系放第二个选择。我都很喜欢这两个科系,不过我有比较喜欢药剂系多一点点,只是怕药剂系很难,我再在药剂系里翱翔,我会再在学习的道路上经历另一次挫折与失败。

那段日子,我就告诉神说,我把我的未来完全交给你,我知道我不能做什么。时间过得很快,很快我就收到 USM 的信息,说我被重选去面试。当时,我也不以为意,因为我想我这样的学生都能重选,应该是USM 选很多去面试。过后,我就凭着有被重选面试,就去面试吧,就当作拿一次经验也好。我就凭着“拿一次经验”这样出发了,没有做准备就去了。



1.      我的英文是 Band 3 吧了,为何USM 不选一个比Band 3 更好的学生呢?
2.      我的国语和英文都没有很好,面试当天我是国语混合英文面试的。面试官说,他问我国语,我就必须回答国语;他问我英文,我就必须回答英文。我没有做到,我只是以我最大的实力将我要表达的生命故事告诉他们吧了。


神,我不能(BY 卢子键)





一塌糊涂 = 新方向



需要VS 能力

            当初虽然对自己的能力没有信心可是透过了几百个小时的练习不会也变会了。到了中五,SPM那年,顾问又给了我一个大挑战,也是当时我最怕的。我们要买electric guitar!加强我们的音乐团队,吸引年轻人来!我立刻回答(因为我曾想过):可是我们这里没有人会弹啊!我以为他会就会这样放弃了。可是他直接回答我:如果有的话,就不会叫挑战了。神让我看到这个需要,有没有愿意站出来?你愿意吗,虽然你不会?





            圣经说,我的能力是在人的软弱显得完全 (歌12:9b我们不可以让自己,一直专注在我们的能力。反而,我们应该在神里建立我们的能力。换一句话说,我们必须先向神在我们心里所放的需要做一个回应,才慢慢让神塑造我们。只有这样,我们才能战胜我们在路途中将会遇到的挫折、失败、羞辱甚至嘲笑,因为我们的目的不会是在成功或成就了,而是在神的带领和供应。如果你不相信,你可以试一试,因为我已经试了。And it really works!

Scared To Hell (By Leonard Lu Tze Jian)

Separation from God, it is indeed correct to fear hell, but not because of the pain it brings, but because it means eternal rejection from our true love.

Fearing God

            While talking to people about Christ, different comments often surface but there is one that I keep bugging me, even until today. I was at a youth camp once and a very smart brother-in-Christ (and I mean really smart) said this when I asked him about his faith, “It seems to me that people don’t actually believe in God. They are just afraid of going to hell. So is it about Christ, or about hell?

            Is that why some Christians are backsliding? I thought. I obey God, so that He won’t send me to hell. Eventually, I feel like I am chained and bound unwillingly by God’s high demands. Naturally, I feel suffocated and vengeful. I’d find ways around His ways. In the end, I am in worse condition than I was before. Some Christians are worse than the non-Christians! And I believe this is one of the reasons why.

            Is fearing God the same as fearing hell? Is a true Christian not afraid of hell? Is fearing hell a wrong reason to turn to Christ? If there weren’t a hell, would I still believe in God? Please take time to think about his because it concerns the foundation on which we built our faith.

Hell, the place of unspeakable PAIN

            If you ask anyone about hell or why hell is such a scary place, they would probably tell you that it is a place of pain, particularly fire and worms. It is a pain that no other pain can compare. Not only that, it is FOREVER! Can you imagine suffering a pain so great that you want to die, but couldn’t because you already are?

            Is this really what hell is, unthinkable physical pain? If you were going to live eternally in pain, won’t it eventually feel numb? If I hit your hand once everyday, you would probably feel like a touch, rather than a stinging pain after the 100th time. I believe people find hell an unbearable place because we cannot imagine ourselves suffering for the rest of our lives. But to those who are already living in suffering, would hell seem like a terrible place? If hell is just pain, then it means nothing to them.

The true price of Sin

            I believe God never intended us to fear hell because of suffering. Suffering is merely the punishment for your sins. We should fear hell because it is a place of eternity without God! (Doesn’t sound that scary, right?) Now imagine your spirit returning home, where it is supposed to be, only to be forbidden. And that’s where your soul is going to be eternally, unable to be where it is supposed to be. I know it’s hard to face unbearable pain, but don’ t you think eternal loneliness and rejection is worse?

             We tend to focus more on the physical side to God’s truth, rather than the spiritual because we are human. For instance, we say sin separates us from God. But we only repent after what sin does to us, such as unforgiveness, hatred, depression and pain. I am not saying this is wrong, I am only saying that these things are human. But what we ultimately have to remember in our walk with God is that all these physical things are only physical manifestations of what hell represents. Separation from God, it is indeed correct to fear hell, but not because of the pain it brings, but because it means eternal rejection from our true love.

Soul Insurance (By Leonard Lu Tze Jian)

Are you willing to sell all that you have and follow Christ?

Human Value

            I recently entered the working world. This new responsibility has given me a key to unlock some doors that I have purposely kept locked during my years as a student. One of them, is insurance. I thank God that He had prepared an insurance agent in my church to help me with this. When we first talked, he explained to me that insurance was about human value. He made a simple argument: If you were permanently disabled (unable to work one day), how much would you have to save to pay for your daily living for the next 20 years, not adding in your “maybe” medical bills?

            He took out his calculator and started punching numbers. Eventually, he said I’d have to take up about RM500 life + medical insurance to cover that amount. I smiled with a hint of shock and suspicion. I took his calculator and started punching my own numbers, and eventually got to the same point he did. Then I thought, “WOW! I never knew my own human value was so high!” Then I jokingly replied, “If my human value cost so much, how much do I have to pay to insure my soul?”

Soul Value

            I guess nobody will disagree than soul value is more important than human value. But can we buy soul insurance? Actually, we can! In Mark 10: 17-31, is the story of the rich young man. Here’s the modern version of the content:

            “Good teacher, how much does it cost to have my soul insured for eternal life?”
            “You already have the terms: keep the commandments,” replied Jesus.
            “All these I have obliged to since I was young.”
Jesus looked at him, “One more term: sell everything you have to give to the poor and follow me.”

            The man then left “for he was rich”. Isn’t it ironic? From the surface of things, it seems that we have to sell all that we have and leave nothing for ourselves for our souls to be insured, whereas life insurance demands that we earn more so that we can insure our human value. It seems impossible to balance these two. Is Jesus telling us not to insure our soul not our life? If that is true, why give us life?

Eternity Insured

            The truths in the bible always seem confusing because internally, they are colliding head on with our earthly values and beliefs. This almost always happens with issues of money and faith. In the story of the rich young man, the young man is like any one of us. He came to Jesus in hopes that Jesus would give him assurance that he could have the best of both worlds: eternal life in the spiritual world and luxury in the physical world. But Jesus knew what the man lacked, and he attacked it.

            It all boils down to this: Are you willing to sell all that you have and follow Christ? I don’t think Jesus was telling us that we cannot be rich because all wealth comes from Him (and He did make a lot of people really rich). Jesus was saying, if you are rich, can you give it all away in a second just to follow Him? Only when you can say “yes” to that question and go through with it, will you have soul insurance

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


     慈爱的天父,孩子们将面临考试,求你加添我们的信心和力量,保守祝福我们,使 我们在考试中正常发挥,有智慧,有解题的能力,有好的记忆力。












