Friday, January 30, 2015




1.       签证事宜


2.       买车事宜
说到要在异国全家传福音服侍神,一辆代步的车子实在是不能少。感谢恩主的怜悯及预备,我们在有限的资源下,买了一部18年历史的Toyota Corona,另外多加一些维修,换换轮胎,操作起来还真的很好也!愿主使用它成为服侍主的工具。


3.       健康事宜


4.       事奉事宜






1.       我们活在神的翅膀底下,蒙受厚爱,并可以献上微小力量,参与服侍,真的要感恩。
2.       请为我们住家邻居迫切代祷。有34家是不上教会、偶有抽烟、喝酒、赌博的基督徒,有23家是非信徒(包括房东夫妇)。期望我们家的小组成为灯台,吸引他们归回基督。
3.       请继续为文昌的康复及保健代祷。深愿他能更好的服侍主。
4.       为念发的成长代祷。在灵命上、在教育上,都有神的灵护庇他、有神的话引领他。
5.       为文昌及锦虹双方的家人能早日信主祷告。(文昌的父母及二姐在去年1226日就回缅甸了,文昌的父亲如今身体感觉安好。)

恭祝大家             过个欢喜快乐、平安健康的丰富年!





Tuesday, January 20, 2015

短宣 ---Serudong Laut, Tawau by Wen Jye

          首先, 感谢神让我有机会并有勇气参加短宣。在神的感动下, 我终于迈开颤抖的双脚, 站上了第一线。那时的我只有一个想法: 趁我年轻, 时间充裕, 经济负担尚小的时候, 把握机会服事。
         下定决心后, 我开始思考我可以为当地的居民做什么。思来想去, 我才发现自己好像什么都不会。会剪发吗? 不会; 会乐器吗? 不精; 有手艺可以教导吗? 没门儿。我不禁反问上帝是否感动错人了呢? 把我这根 '废柴' 带去会有什么帮助吗? 就这样, 一边祷告, 战战兢兢的我也出发了。

                乡下生活并不恐怖, 相反它增加了我亲近神的时间。没了网络的诱惑, 整个人也专注了起来。看着那里的居民, 我感谢神, 因祂的慈爱无国界。当我们一如往常的在家上网看电视, 祂仍然关心那些被隔在山中的子民, 差派了自己的使者默默看顾这些羊群, 体贴他们的需要。

虽然他们的生活简单, 所拥有的赤子之心是最珍贵的。山里的孩子没能上才艺班, 缺乏专业老师的培训, 却能用最简单的吉他弹奏不同曲风的歌曲。感谢神, 有的甚至只要听过一小段歌, 就能大致弹出整首歌曲。藉此机会鼓励那些预备参加短宣的弟兄姐妹不妨钻研吉他, 即使语言不同, 音乐真的是世界语言呀! 说不定有机会可以彼此交流, 来个城市乡村乐乐碰呢!

            除此之外, 我也深刻的体会到留守老人的孤独。当孩子长大, 为着家计在大城市谋生时, 家中的长辈却默默守在家中独自生活。有时为了省点儿煤气费, 还进森林砍柴火呢! 年纪大了, 若出点儿什么意外可就糟了。此时, 邻居间的守望精神显得十分重要。这种精神在大城市中只怕快销声匿迹, 水泥墙恨不得越砌越高, 就怕小偷光顾。愿大家彼此勉励, 学习神的教导: 爱邻舍如同自己, 让这个世界多一点温暖。

这趟旅程中, 我最大的收获是 "感恩与珍惜"。许多我们以为平常不过的小事, 或许对其人来说并非如此。
水龙头不一定扭开来就有水; 电灯不一定开了插头就有电; 上学校读书不一定人人都有机会。还记得小时候不想上学就会想尽各种方式翘课; 山里的孩子为了上学, 早上得多早起身开始走路, 有的还需要坐船才能到学校呢, 但他们却从来不觉得辛苦。

我们这些有专车接送的还真是身在福中不知福呢! 看在这一点的份上, 令我十分汗颜啊! 也许对他们来说, 上学是除了打排球, 玩吉他以外最开心的时候, 因为可以见到朋友。反观过去的我还要父母三催四请才勉为其难上学, 真是不知好歹啊! 有的孩子即使到了求学年龄, 却为了帮忙照顾弟妹或是到油棕笆打理, 不能每天出席上课, 多可惜呀
 所以, 我们要珍惜所拥有的机会。

               另一方面, 山里的居民也面临灵里的争战。求神保守他们不要为了五斗米而入了回教, 求圣灵与他们同在, 坚固他们的信心, 赐下聪明智慧给属灵的长辈, 使他们懂得如何教导神的子民, 让神的话语在他们心中扎根, 扩张神的国度。神的教会需要我们以祷告扶持, 位居在二线的我们, 应时常纪念在各个工场中服事的先锋。

身为祷告大军的我们应是他们的后盾, 在后方支援他们, 因撒旦的魔爪无处不在, 等待时机攻击我们。祷告, 因为我们需要神。

宣教不是口号, 而是行动。若神此刻感动你的心, 不要犹豫, 不要害怕, 相信神的恩典在人的软弱上显得完全。

祷告寻找你在神计划中的位置, 祂必然为你开路。甚愿更多弟兄姐妹加入短宣, 这是个很好的开始和尝试。

这么多的见证人都走过了, 我也走过了, 靠着耶稣圣名, you can do it! 现在就跟身边的朋友说: "耶稣爱你" ! 神美好的福音, 爱的种子就此散播开了~

Friday, January 2, 2015

Sharing from Joanna :)

Hi everyone! It’s now 2015! Blessed New Year! Just want to share some things I learnt and was reminded from the Annual Teach-In Camp by the NUS Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF) last year (26-31/12/2014 =P ). Just to give you all a little background, the NUS VCF is an interdenominational Christian Fellowship (CF) and I am currently joining the postgraduate cell group.
大家平安!2015 年到了!新年蒙恩!在这里,我想和大家分享我在 NUS 大专团契的营会里学到的一些东西。NUS 大专团契是一个跨宗派的团契。我呢就参加了研究生小组。

Ok, going back to camp… To be honest, I was a little worried as it would be the first interdenominational camp I have ever gone to and I was scared there would be a great clash in opinions. However, it proved to be a fruitful and enjoyable time as Christians from different denominations shared their opinions on the subjects discussed. I really enjoyed my time in the camp and was challenged on my view of Jesus and His ministry.
回到营会,其实我是有点担心因为这是我第一个跨宗派的营会。但是,我发现我非常享受和不同宗派的弟兄姐妹们分享及讨论不同课题的观点。这个营会挑战了我对耶稣以及耶稣的事工 的观点。

The theme of the camp was “Challenge Accepted”. And I actually didn't know it until the day of camp itself. (Ok, maybe I knew it when I registered but totally forgot about it after that… I think I am getting really forgetful! Signs of old age…) There were 5 theme talk sessions on the Gospel of Luke and the speakers were Vinoth and Karin Ramachandra from the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) To be honest, I was half asleep during all the theme talks as the first 4 were at night and the last one I was really just too tired and I didn't get a great deal out of the talks. However, I learnt the most from the group discussions after each session, where we would discuss in our respective groups on what the speaker talked about and how it had impacted us. It was just amazing, how many different opinions would come out from just one topic! We are really such amazing creations of God!
营会的主题是《接受挑战》。其实我是在营会的第一天才知道主题的。(可能在报名的时候有知道一下然后就忘记了。老了 主题是讲到路加福音的5堂课。讲员是在国际校园团契服侍一对夫妇, Vinoth Karin. 坦诚来说,我在主题的时候都是半睡状态。可是,我在每堂主讲后的讨论时间里得着了很多。让我觉得非常奇妙的事就是当我们在讨论的时候,虽然只是关于一个事项,但是会有那么多不同的意见和观点跑出来!上帝造的人真的是非常奇妙!

Jesus comes to FREE 耶稣带来自由
The speakers were really challenging and provoking in their talks and challenged us to see Jesus as he really is, and what that means to us. Luke 4:14-30 talk about Jesus reading from the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah and declares that he has come to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. “The poor” represents anyone who is oppressed, but not anyone who is honoured by others even though he has no money. For example, Mahatma Ghandi is not considered poor even though he does not have good finances.
讲员们带来的信息非常的带有挑衅性,并挑战我们真正的来看耶稣到底是谁并那带给我们的意义。在路加福音4:14-30,耶稣从先知以賽亚的书宣告他来是为了传福音給贫穷的人;报告:被掳的的得釋放,瞎眼的得看見,叫那受压制的得自由,报告神悦纳人的禧年。贫穷的人指的是所有被压迫的人,并不包括一些虽然贫穷但被尊敬的人。举个 例子,圣雄甘地不算是个贫穷人虽然他在物质上非常缺乏。

Vinoth also challenged us as to how we can use our studies to bring release to the poor. Who are the poor among us? Are they the people who are homeless? Are they the people whom we consider our enemies? Are there the nobodies in the world around us? Why is there so little barrier breaking in our churches to reach to the poor & the nobodies? Do your plans for the future need revision in light of the Kingdom of God?
Vinoth 也挑战我们想想如何用我们的学业为穷人带来释放。谁是在我们当中的穷人呢?是不是那些没有家的人?还是被我们视为敌人的人?还是那些不被看在眼里的人?为什么教会里打破壁垒并关怀这些贫穷被无视的人的行动非常少?在神的国度的观点里,你未来的计划需要被修订吗?

Vinoth also shared on Martha and Mary as well as the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 10:38 - 11:4. He contrasted the active service of Martha to the thoughtful contemplation of Mary in front of Jesus and how busyness endangers Christian discipleship. Are we so anxious to serve or please others that we are harassed, that we forget what God wants us to do? Turning to look at the issue from another perspective, are we consciously or unconsciously using the ends to justify the means to what we are doing daily? Are we putting self-gratification before service? Are we committing the sin of gluttony or have we been wasting food?
Vinoth 也和我们分享路加福音10:38 - 11:4,关于马大和马利亚及主祷文。他对比了在耶稣面前,马大主动的服事和马利亚安静的静观,并提醒我们忙碌如何危害门徒训练。我们会不会因为太着急要服务或讨好别人而被骚扰,并忘记上帝要我们做的事情呢?从另外的观点来看,我们是不是常常使用不择手段来辩解我们的所作所为呢?我们是不是把自我满足看得重要过于服侍人呢?我们是不是贪食或者时常浪费食物?

On the third day, Karin challenged us to be a martyr for Christ where we have been placed. However, we were also reminded that even as we try to fix the brokenness in people around us, we also have to address the brokenness in ourselves. We need to start identifying our need to be rescued and redeemed from our own pain and dysfunction while we are also trying to rescue and redeem others. (We are not perfect heroes as in movies!) So, when was the last time you were truly broken before God?
在第三天,Karin 挑战我们在各自的岗位上为基督殉道。但她也提醒我们,在我们试着修复人们的破碎时,我们也必须处理我们自己的破碎。我们必须承认,在我们帮助别人的时候,我们也需要从我们的痛苦和无能里被拯救。(我们不是戏里面的完美英雄!)那么,你最后一次在神面前承认自己的破碎是几时呢?

Karin also challenged us with the thought that “Jesus is not a nice guy!” from his actions. Everywhere Jesus went, he provoked people – the Pharisees, teachers of the Law and even called Herod a fox! But on the other hand, he was so compassionate to the poor and needy. In addressing this issue, it was pointed out that we should be very careful as to who we provoke. Jesus does not attack the poor, but attacks the slack people (leaders) who have the power to change things. Also, using the example of the controversial LBGT issue, it was noted that if the state laws do not ban adultery, why should it ban homosexuals? Should we be protecting the oppressed LBGT group or attacking them? Not only that, when coming up with new laws, or even when reading the Old Testament laws, we should be aware of the questions we should ask. Whose interest does this law protect? And whose power does this law restrict?
Karin 也挑战我们说,从耶稣的行为看来,耶稣不是个好人!。耶稣到哪里去都在挑衅人不但挑衅法利赛人和律法师而且还称希律王是个狐狸。在谈论这个课题时,Karin指出我们必须在挑衅人里非常小心。耶稣并没有攻击贫穷人,但他攻击了懈怠并有权柄改变事情的人(领袖)。谈到被争论的同性恋课题时,一个非常带有争论性的问题就是:如果法律没有禁止通奸,为什么法律需要禁止同性恋呢?我们身为基督徒到底应该保护被压迫的同性恋者还是逼迫他们呢?在设置新的法律之前,或者读旧约法律时,我们也应该察觉一些必须被问的问题。这条法律在保护那个群体?这条法律在辖制谁的权利?

And lastly, I would like to remind all of us what I was strongly reminded in camp. If we are to be students for God, and we say that the good grades we have will honour God, we MUST also study the Bible as much as we study for our grades. For what use is it, if we have good grades, but fail in our walk with God? How does it honour God if we say we have good grades but we do not live out the Christian life?

What then are our roles as students in the university? Are we called to university just to study and get good grades? Or is it a training ground where you learn more about society and practice your role as a Christian in a society? Will you change the society around you by showing love to the nobodies around you? What are you doing for the poor and oppressed in the society? The prostitutes, the homeless, the orphans and prisoners. We need to remember that as followers of Jesus, we are called to imitate our master and what our master did was to:
Preach good news to the poor, 传福音給贫穷的人;
to proclaim freedom for the prisoners报告:被掳的的得釋放,
recovery of sight for the blind, 瞎眼的得看見,
to release the oppressed叫那受压制的得自由,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. 报告神悦纳人的禧年。

With Love & Blessings,
