Wednesday, April 6, 2016

《我•寻找》生活营——分享篇 (Part 1)

(1) Guess what, I JUST GOT BACK FROM CAMP!
i.searching is a great camp to connect with God and with other Christians from different places. During my time in the camp, we worship, learn about the hardship of Jesus, hang out with friends, and pray. It’s easy to be on the subject about God because we’re surrounded by people who share the same beliefs. So here are some of my thoughts once I get back from camp.

There are several different churches attending camp at the same time; I make some new friends, get their names, and even their Facebook. To be honest, I am a very timid person, my lack of confidence in socializing tend to allow me staying away from people. I ponder what life would be like after graduation, even if I ended up going to somewhere I don’t even know. But then, this social instinct inside of me took over and I began talking to people. Throughout this camp, we were divided into few groups and I was in group 5. We started to give each other some encouragements and also had discussion about almost everything related to God. Surprisingly, I seemed to genuinely like these people.

I often heard God speaks to us about things He wants us to add to our schedule, like prayer or studying the Bible. While I was in the camp, the community had this a habit of sharing what they learnt while spending time praying or reading Bible. From my perspective, this is a great way to evangelize and encourage others. If you afraid you will get bored in a camp, don’t worry; the camp community provided many scripture lessons about our beliefs. For example, (things that I’ve studied throughout the camp), if God is telling you to make more time for Him, it might also mean there are things in your schedule you may have to let go. God has the most priority of all beings which means His right is much higher than us human beings. Furthermore, the camp community taught us that we can’t get away from responsibility. Nobody but you is responsible for maintaining and deepening your relationship with God. God doesn’t want to talk to other people about you, He wants to talk to you. In the camp, I experienced our Saviour’s hardship. Now I truly understand how hard Jesus was when He was accused wrongly in the sake of protecting His people. It was tremendously horrifying and overwhelming that I couldn’t speak up the feelings inside of me. I strongly encourage people to undergo this “live encounter” so you will comprehend the path that Jesus had walked on.

When the camp is over, however, I come back to my daily routines. Although it was a short period of time, I could still feel that fiery passion for God which is ignited in my heart at camp. But if we don’t tend to that fire, it soon grows cold. It’s merely up to us to keep this fire burning bright! The next generation is coming. I am standing on the road where we are about to take control of the world. But there is hope. There are thoughts about the church is a contagion or a paradise but I have found it to be evolving. Changing. I mean look at the young people in that camp. These youthful passion for Jesus is going to get out of their comfort zone. The world would be waiting for them. Cheering. This camp is will be an inspiration to all of us. An endless wall of love and acceptance from Jesus Christ.

i.searching camp had given me ups and downs like a roller coaster. It was an adventure for me that I realize that life is going to be better.
 by Stephanie

特别有意义的生活营i.Searching camp. 这是我第一次在槟城参加这大专团契的生活营吧,纯粹只是想在大学mid sem break打发时间参加这32夜的生活营罢了。一天过一天,营会终于到了,可是我却带着一颗疲倦又想回家的心情上了巴士。心里却对自己说既然都参加了,就把一切assignmentsclasstutorial抛开,好好享受这生活营吧。









人都不断地在寻找某些东西。奥古斯丁说:“人的心灵中有个洞,非上帝不能填满。”所以当人还没找到神的时候,就会寻找某些事物去填补心灵上的空虚。也许是名利、地位、财富、快乐、优越感。。。 然而,这些也不过是暂时的。当这些物质或感官上的刺激得到满足时,心中的空洞是否真的被填满了呢? 






关注我们的面子书:槟城卫理大专团契 - PMVCF

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