Sunday, April 24, 2016

分享篇: Serudong Laut 短宣心得 —— Hendrix

Serudong Laut Short-Term Mission Trip Personal Review

Doing things hands-on is indeed different from reading it on paper. I have read and heard a lot about how life in a rural village is like and I’ve also listened to sharing from friends and people in church on going for mission trips ranging from one day to a few years. But for me, all of these are minute compared to going for one myself, and I am privileged to be able to join the annual short-term mission trip to Serudong Laut for less than 2 weeks, thanks to God’s providence.

In a place where the nearest town is a three-hour drive away (by 4WD), access to the outside world is limited, which is good in a way as there are much less distractions. This is in addition to the lack of cellular network. Personally, I find that this ‘almost-distraction-free’ environment allows me to be more concentrated on the work that I have at hand. My mind was clearer and the burdens that I have back in Penang doesn’t seem to trouble me that much, since I was about 1900 km away, and was without Internet connection.

I got to see God’s grace and faithfulness in a place where these things seem to be lacking on first sight. Being a principal in a school where the average attendance is a third of the total enrollment and the classes outnumber the teachers, is not easy. One would easily doubt whether God is still watching over this mission school ministry. Besides handling the school (hiring and paying the teachers, arranging for Form 5 students to take SPM, etc.), Rev. Rofinus also had to take a 4-hour journey by the usual uneven and frequently-flooded dirt road through huge oil palm plantations to Batu 15 every weekend to conduct the service at the Preaching Point and also to check up on the teaching progress there. These still have not taken into account of the fact that he has a wife and a child born less than a year ago. Yet, he still faithfully carries out the responsibilities entrusted to him, and he had been doing so for about a year. I pray that God will continue to bless him, guide him help him to continue to trust in Him in this full-time ministry.

Besides that, I had also gained some teaching experience, which was my first. Although it is not the common urban classroom setting which I’m familiar with, what I have gained through those few hours of teaching are still relevant to me, especially to my field of study (in Education). Teaching in this school is different from teaching in a typical school, not just in terms of the number of students, but the students’ attitude and their foundation in elementary knowledge and skills. 

Living together with 3 people whom you usually meet in church services and PMVCF activities for a relatively long period of time is not easy, yet an interesting experience. None of the many camps that I had been before can compare to this mission trip. For 14 days, I would wake up to Sze Jack sleeping at the side and the four of us would be eating together at the same table for almost every meal. I am glad to have served alongside Sze Jack, Eunice and Welyne. Though they each have different characters and way of doing things, they also have different gifts and skills that make our service at Serudong Laut unique. For this, I am grateful.

by  Hendrix Cheong